Arnold Mario Dall'O -
Duration: 01.02 - 01.04.2013
Artists: Arnold Mario Dall'O
Curator: Valerio Dehò
The artist Arnold Mario Dall’O, a student of Emilio Vedova at the Venice Academy of Fine Arts, where he studied sculpture, videos, and design, processes popular images that contain religious symbols which he finds in magazines or on the Internet.
Dall’O collects images of our times and juxtaposes them with images of the past, or he falls back on classical motifs and updates them, using his own unique technique of graphically processing the image in a lengthy painting process.
In his latest works, the artist contemplates death, the standstill of life, still life as an art genre. For that purpose, he downloaded the faces and bodies of unknown dead people from the Internet and transferred them to the art level. He confronts us with anonymous individuals, average people, many of which have died a violent or mysterious death.
In contrast, the exhibition will also present Neo-Baroque works by Dall’O: frames, antlers, flowers, etc., covered and embellished with hundreds of little gold and silver-plated plastic soldiers. Not only irony and war games are the gist of these works; they also play with the illusion of sculptural works that, from a distance, look like magnificent goldsmithery, and only reveal what they are truly made of if one comes close enough.
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